Milly the Smallest Dog in the World

Hi Pet Lovers

I know im late with this news but if you didn't know Milliy is Puerto Rico yep my beautiful Island :) She is the smalles dog in the World.

How small is Milly, a Chihuahua from Puerto Rico?

 Answer: very.

‘She could not breastfeed due to the tiny size of her mouth,’ said Rivera Eizzil, Milly’s caregiver.
‘To get an idea of just how petite she is, when she was born she received milk from an eyedropper.’

Now Milly is three-months-old and she hasn’t gotten much bigger, coming in at 2.5 inches and .37 lbs!

Currently Boo Boo, a chihuahua from Kentucky, is the Guinness recognized smallest dog in the world, at four inches. Eizzil and Milly’s owner Vanessa Semler hope their precious little pup will snag the record from Boo Boo, but have to wait until Milly turns one to qualify for the title.

This dress is made by Stacy Pet Design the #1 Dog Designer in Puerto Rico.

I have to said she is so cute!
My doggie Brighette Marie will be happy to play with her :P

She is tiny but always fashion LOL, I give her a Big Sniffy Love!!!

SO we have to wait if she can be the next tiny dog on record guinness.

Sylvette Marie

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