Celebrate your Pet Birthday!

Celebrate your Pet B-DAY!

Hello Pet Lovers its me again your blogger Sylvette Marie :P I was thinking to celebrate my doggies bdays this month but I have to cancel all my plans because my grandmother still on the hospital so it will be no fiesta on my home but Im goin to give you the best B-Day Plans for your best friend :)

First you need a cool Invitations

You can make this invitations ciber or print you can buy it on;

Make a Event on your Facebook and Invite all your friends and puppys you can use a ciber Invitation to upload on the photo wall of the event. Or if you are goin to print them its more formal to put a envelope on the card.

With this invitation everyone is goin to be exited to be invite on your pet party!

- Second Idea -

You can create a dog B-Day like no other party...

Here is a Party made for Gossip pet for their doggies this event was big they have tables decore with balloons and cookies for the doggie invites.

Camilas and Candys Party 2012

If you are doing a small party this was inside of Diva Dog Boutique you can make this on your home too, is very simple and cute!

Here is Grecia the B-Day girl she is 3yrs old. 2012

- Third Idea -

What people and Dogs are goin to eat?

This is importat pet lovers people love to eat and eat and drink lol, so catering is the best Idea or if your family is willing to help you much better :)

Beers are important too because your invites are goin with ther hubbies and they dont want to be bored so keep them happy with a few free beers.

Do not give chocolate Important.

Treats --> Signature Bonz
Piñata Dog ---> BirchangelPinatas

For the doggies treats and gifts you keep your human invites more happy! People love free gifts like plushies. Do a piñata game and sports games.

The Pawty Cake

Have to be pet edible so let a expert make your cake or search for a good recipes on the net.
Inside the Piñata you can put treats and candys and plushis.

My Doggie

 Brighette Marie celebrating his 5 B-DAY

Because I didint do his b-day I took her to celebrateon the El Morro Pet Fest that was her gift. But I buy her this cupcake dress yes I buy her sometimes I love to support Dog boutiques on my island.

The dress was make by Koketita she is a talent girl from Puerto Rico.
The B-Day Hat I buy it and you can buy it too on;

Sew Doggie Style by Erica and Sebastian
Also you can read his doggie blog on

But you know what pet lovers I give you all this Ideas for you Dog B-Day but the best gift that you can make to your best friend is giving a donation to a animal shelther.

<------Here I have a few banners from Shelther of my Island Puerto Rico.

Hope you all Love my Pawty Ideas!!!

Start Plannig...

Sylvette Marie

1 comment:

  1. This is such a fantastic post! I just love the idea of having a birthday party for my dogs but sadly I have no idea when their birthday's are as they were both rescued. I guess I'll just have to make one up so that I can celebrate!


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